A tribute to James Thatcher. Published in AIDS ACTION NEWS!, Summer 1993.
James RC Thatcher died at his home Jan 2 from AIDS-related complications. Four days prior to his death, James had videotaped a dramatic appeal to the Ontario government to…
"Sean Hosein's interest for research in AIDS related fields was spurred in 1982 by a New York Times story on 'Gay cancer'. Something about the phrasing struck him as being odd and the content of the story confirmed that the focus was on the…
An AIDS ACTION NEWS! page with articles entitlted, 'Fight Poverty, Not the Poor!', 'Activists Confront Human Rights Commission Delays,' 'Voices of Positive Women Launched'. Published Winter 1992.
There are some benefits to surviving with an AIDS diagnosis. One never had to worry about paying the high premium for life insurance because as far as insurance companies are concerned, you are…
An article on the AIDS National Treatment Registry. Published Summer 1990. Dr Kathryn Taylor speaks enthusiastically of the National Treatment Registry for AIDS, a world first...
An AIDS ACTION NEWS! article on the treatment registry. Published 24 June 1990.
AIDS ACTION NOW!, early on, investigated the serious problem of access to treatment, especially new, experimental treatments for people with HIV infection...
Catastropic Rights
Drug Trials and Placebos
Annonymous Testing
PLWA's on all boards and committees,
National treatment registry,
Hospital care
Home care
The 19th Issue of AIDS ACTION NEWS! features highlights from the 10th International AIDS Conference in Berlin. It also includes a list of events that the organization was involved in (May to October 1993), a discussion of insurance issues, drug…