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AAN world aids day demo poster - toronto 90.pdf
An AIDS ACTION NOW! poster for the World AIDS Day demonstration in Toronto in 1990, that asks why women with AIDS don't get the services they need.

ACT UP MTL World AIDS Day 1990 Article.pdf
Article recounting the World AIDS Day march held by ACT UP Montreal focusing one women and HIV in Quebec.

ACT UP MTL Polytechnique Poster.jpeg
ACT UP Montreal poster for World AIDS Day march 1990 that condemns the the Bourassa government for inaction around women and HIV. "It's not just semi-automatics that kill women in Quebec" is a reference to the École Polytechnique massacre where an…

Draft Notes.pdf
Notes on various subjects related to HIV/AIDS, including sexism, women as caregivers, treatment and research issues and sexuality.

Speaking Out - Janice Jirau - Patient Notes.pdf
Patient Notes article, source unknown. "Speaking Out: A Message from a Black Woman AIDS Activist" by Janice Jirau, Vice President, Board of Directors, LifeLink, Inc., PWA Coalition of Washington, DS

PowerPoint Slides - HIV and Substance Use and WoC.pdf
Slides for presentation by Robbye E. Kinkade of Stony Brook University (New York, USA) and Kim Bernard, crd of Kim's Agency (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

PowerPoint Slides Robbye E. Kinkade SUNY.pdf
Presentation Slides by Robbye E. Kinkade of SUNY Stony Brook

PowerPoint Slides - Assessing HIV Prevention.pdf
Presentation slides by Kimberley Bernard

PowerPoint Slides - Anita Keeping.pdf
Presentation slides by Anita Keeping, Anonymous HIV Clinic Coordinator, Planned Parenthood Metro Clinic in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

An article on the politics of AIDS by John Greyson. An article on "More pleasure/danger: Women and AIDS" by Tannis Atkinson. Published in Rites, December 1988.

Various articles published in Rites, February 1989.

An article reporting on a "Wild, wet and well" (women and AIDS workshop.

aids and women 2.pdf
A statement that appears to be from Reaction SIDA on women and AIDS in Quebec.

Women get AIDS2.pdf
An AIDS ACTION NOW! leaflet highlighting AIDS issues for women.

AAN! Women and AIDS poster.jpg
An AIDS ACTION NOW! poster which calls on the government to address the issues of women living with AIDS.

[GB] Petty A Rational Look at AIDS Vitality 7(4) 1985.pdf
An article from "Vitality," the quarterly publication of the Women's Health Education Network, which addresses the topic of AIDS and explains how it affects women.

Annual Report.PDF
A draft annual report by the AIDS ACTION NOW! Steering Committee to the membership for the AGM. Includes discussion of restructuring to ensure greater PLWA/HIV representation, in addition to discussions of prisons, women and the third world.

AAN Retreat 1990 Notes.pdf
Notes from the 1990 Annual Retreat of AIDS ACTION NOW! including strategic planning for the coming year.

AAN US Article AIDS Def.pdf
An article from "Positively Aware" discussing the implications of redefining AIDS with a CD count of 200 or less, with a focus on women.

The 19th Issue of AIDS ACTION NEWS! features highlights from the 10th International AIDS Conference in Berlin. It also includes a list of events that the organization was involved in (May to October 1993), a discussion of insurance issues, drug…
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