Memo (written by Deena Noseworthy) and package of Black Outreach Project documents (including meeting minutes, a list of Advisory Board members, general information on the Project, ideas for board development, and a copy of meeting agenda for 2 May…
Patient Notes article, source unknown. "Speaking Out: A Message from a Black Woman AIDS Activist" by Janice Jirau, Vice President, Board of Directors, LifeLink, Inc., PWA Coalition of Washington, DS
An article on the work of the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention, and on the work of hte AIDS Committee of Toronto to initiate discussion about AIDS in the Black community. Written by Mary Louise Adams. Published in Rites, December 1988.
Letter from Deena Noseworthy (Black Outreach Project) asking community organizations and associations for donations to help African Nova Scotia man (PLWA) return to Zambia for his wife's funeral (also PLWA).